
First Reflection.

Today at this untimely hour i am proud announced that i have finished my first REFLECTION. people must be wondering oh so its just a reflection.HA. But this ain't the ordinary reflection you jot down in your mini journals everyday and thrash it aside. Its more than just description. Still amazed at how it was possible for me to churn out the 1500 word essay for a week -,- (NOT VERY PROUD TO MENTION). Well at least i made use of GIBB's cycle and URH threw in literature to support my analysis haha :D. Everything sounds as chim as it may be but i believe the main takeaway from the entire chore (not really, pretty enjoyable at moments) was to become more aware of myself and it works super well. Because once i embarked on this, many events in my life became reflection-worth already. Anyways, yeah a pity this first piece of work holds 50% of the module mark and im obviously not gonna get the best grade cause you know my english and you know its the first time yeah. Like my practical shoo total disaster. On the bright side, i still deserved a pat since i managed to churn it out in time and trudge through the bad bowel and flu days !!! IT WASNT EASY AT ALLLLLL. and you know what the best part is : I've got another 1500 essay to write by next monday for FON. the trolled face totally. Writing reflections makes me happy (maybe not this long) it feels as if im a step closer to nursing already (: you know year one is like the time to settle down and adapt and taste all the shit you have never tasted in your life. Thats what i feel like now. They throw reflections at you, they throw simulation lab sessions at you, they make u work with other faculty students in projects, they make u present. truthfully, to some this may never be an issue. But personally, its a HUGE issue for me. So many first times in shortly 2 months of school. i dislike 'first times' because they give me butterflies in my tummy but i have to de-sensitize my fears so that they no longer are to me. and DID YOU KNOW? i missed my guitar dinner :'( HOW COULD I right. it was such a rare occasion. Until now i still bitterly blame myself partly for missing the dinner its like spoiling mood of the others. Okay so after this outburst, i should head for my sleep. Slept a lot during the weekends felt that my face instantly lifted and beautified when i woke up.
Feels a sense of accomplishment when i see a big chunk of words now !

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