
y ah tan put mi behind =(

aiy0 i so short liao still put mi behind ..
today change place lia0..
arrgh miss j0anne monice and khadijah ;(
lol bt layhong jun qiang and prabhu oso gd lar hahas =)
bt i prefer sitting in front lehs hahas..
t00 short ler still sit behind =(
bt my new place gt ml elaine edm0nd navin hehe =DD v. FUNNY lol
today BIO test postpone =(
lol not i want a bio test bt then keep on delay s0 pek cek hahas.
so stupid it fell on the same day as ge0graghy.. =(
then the next day is physic.. urghh.
lol nxt wk still have ass ass . =(((
tt all bye

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