

change my bl0gskin yesterday =))
s0 ORANGEY hahas :D
JUST reach h0me fr0m school..
mei lan and xue qi retest their oral today =)
their results are g00d =)
bt then ms ong s0 strict =)~b0 bian GOOD eng cher ma !

haha t0day is a super dirty day + april f00ls day!
ok nth special ~ sian sian de ~nobody played dumb tricks so is OK =)
then ya lor s0 DIRTY cos edm0nd Ng lar . u and ur DIRTY SICKO j0ke hahas.
bt it was hilarious must admit
then 0n the way h0me, MEi LAN als0
haha told mi dirty things hahas lol.
i am so PURE can =X
lol fishing and chickening is cute ~ chang and his DIRTY jokes als0
thanks fer MARCUS detailed explanati0n-fishing lol.
i am REAL pure.

next week 4 test.WTH.
then lke SA cuming s00n.. =(
chang say i HORNY omg~ he then horny lol
ok later watching yu le then do hw ~ such a GUAI KIA =O

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