
ARJOE acting new sh0w :D

i was damn happy when yan mei told mi ARJOE acting sh0w again =)
i was shocked when shee shee told mi tt mike and ariel are not on gd terms.
lol thks to my 2 suppliers of YU LE inf0. they are s0 pro in findin inf0 lor! =)))

hahahs damn happy and went mad on the 28 bus. ps ml. lol.
today ate GRILLED fish FINALLY
MISS-ED it last wk. it is SIMPLY delicious ;D
miss ong---> eng cher. nvr come again =( uh she is sick.bt shood be cuming back tml ^^ bt miss ong hahas n0 one did ur assignment leh. =X
i slept with my eyes OPEN during chem and phy.
really torture man.
poor lay hong beside me listening to mi saying.
when can we go hme??! lol =D

oh ya s0rry fer de INCONVENIENCE causED while u were TAGGING my blog.
the tagbox is n0t functioning properly.
s0 i am g0nna fix it later aft blogging.
s0rry peopled. damn paiseh hahahs.

oh ya nxt wk last episode iswak2/tka =( s0 FAST!
got a lot lot of new shows cuming out/showing.
霹靂MIT~24epis0des so long yay!
不良笑花~omg ml xq i saw rainie hair! ~faints**

i wanna watch jap anime and HK drama and everythingg =) XD
gg ah gng hse tonight bye bye! snoress***

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