
i detest cockroach .

i killed the terrifying cockroach with a lot a lot of pesticide.
s0 ke liaN .
bt cockroaches are jus so YUCKY.
so damn eer XIn.*faints.~~

todays SS less0n was surprisingly nice.
lol had FREE CHOCOS ma!
prahbu(guy sitting bside mi) gt 2 chocos cox he always help cher carry bks :)
bt wad he told mi was ....
"i help her carry bks to skip the less0n and she still give mi chocs !"
hahas =D DIAOZ >.<

today als0 change place AGAIN.
i nvr change bt ei huan went away D:
nvm khadijah came ! =)
listening t0 a vry nice s0ng now hehes.

ke lian the ML gt wei tong (gastric pain)
s0 WE -mi and mei lan bought BURGERS >.<
then come hme i ate porridge AGAIn hahas.
fatty mi ! =)

okaes tt all chang so gd lar their class g0rt their class T
3a leh? hahas

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