
sh0ut out l0ud yay..2 pps g0ne..

wad the hell lor todae the eng pp damn sux de..the qns are so shitty shit kan..0mg all the ans all wr0ng lor i almost wan to give up de lor bt 4 the sakke of results bo bian lar..stress i was so piss n shit all the way so scared nt enuff tyme to finish bt then heng lar ..nvm tokin bout this make mi boil..oh yar konfirm will fail de lorx

nvm nxt pp is beta lor although is so damn tiriing de bt then hor wad i memo kame out s0 i was vri happy haha...hpe kan get beta result lor..yayss

best is aft the xams lor haha i tot i was aft exams le haha..s0 we talk bout a lot of rubbish lar haha..bt gt a lot of fun best part is edm0nd sing the benny n xue qi fang pi(FART) ..gt ni guang , jin tian ni yao jia gei w0 n a lot lr haha..damn funni the lor still gt rap.nvm nxt time ask him to sing..damn dia0 haha kant w8 to go out n buy clothes too ..hpe gt a money tree lors shake shake shake..dr0p $$$ haha i am vri lame nvm dream 4 one..haha hu is willing to b my $ tree?
okies i have to go s00n cox hor sissy usi c0m n tt sia0 gurl hor is realli sia0 lor..
altough eng fail bt..
her chinese 74
her sci 92
her math 100 sia0 de lor...
nvm my target t0 b cleverer then hr haha
cc0s she gt the l00k the height s0 i am vri xun de lor haah..
at least i gt brains she is mor bai chi de..i am faster 0mg i am so meean nvm dun karexx
hehe..tt all watch sh0w later
yu le n chinese paladin yarss

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