
is the fridae les..

actualli realli dunno wad to type lorx bt nvm..todae sit at exam table waa so fast exam kumin lers...sad n scared
my sis lor so clever maths full marks! bt fail eng haixx quite poor thing sad..nvm jiayou kies sissy hahas...thx her 4 helpin mi in the art to stand up cos tt idoitic thing i tried to do 4 1hr n nothin kame 0out so my curii0us sis go n anihow make n she made it stand so easily haiis mb i just dun have tt talent nt my fault t00 haha...
to dae osso when to photoc0py sci notes lor bt sadli i wasyed so much $$$ haixx.. =( bt for the sake of sci i sacrifce a bit nvm de lar...hehe now hearing tian tian quan nice !!xia0 xun v0ice is nice...okies todae is 0so boring dae oso lar i w0ndar how to make my dae nicer?am i to pessimistic or i kant see the happiness i had?y is it when i kum hme i start to feel alone..n sad bt wif my fwens ar0und i feel happi haha mb tt wad fwens are for..sri ml i kanot go on9 le c0x i need to do c0mpo and studi srix enjois ur dae..later gg ah gong hse to eat dinner
happi bt theen i gg to miss my fav show chinese paladin waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sadded lors..my xia0 yao gor n ling er haiss i am realli sia0 i beta go n eat my maggie is c0ld le haha..

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