
omg todae damn tired de..bt i saw my ex-darlinks yaya

actualli h0r todae is nt a n0rma dae haha..
-todae sk00l starts at 8.00
-sec0ndli todae gt aces dae n we g0tta walk around the sk00l leh damn dia0 de bt NO DANCING bt is the WHOLE sko0l walk together hhaha..quite boring lar
-i hand in my stupid art le yaya.. bt my k0r haven n even ask mi help mii the sculpture bt den i reject him lor c0x so diff kan..srii g0r n0 offfence bt i realli suck in art kanxx..jus no talen..
-srii xq todae pang se u n go off earlier ..haixx realli dui bu qi ar..bt u are a da shan ren will nt mind de..
-oh then later went to meet my ex..darlinks haha..the sk00l made mi stand outside f0r alm0st one hr wif jeanette n nic0le. it is s0..f***ing hot and i am damn piss we need to fill in aform b4 goin in is lame de lor..qi...ok then erm..
went to KFC wif darlinks aft toking to mc..we gave her a CAKE..hehe bt i tink it melted lors..den we went to the playground yayas ..to tok bt then the bois damn da0 de..they so is0late n ign0re us sadxx i noe lar is gan ga kanxx..
-then so lame tok damn long ders haha..ok lar bt they found out my little secret opps* i kanot sae sorri onli my cl0sest fwen noe lar..hehe s0 sorri..no spreadin..bt i realli dun have lar..this is wad i wanna tell them!
n now gtg to BATH wad i hate m0st.c0x gg to ah gong hse haha nt chang shi..to eat diinner hpe kan see my e zuo ju 0ver dere last epi leh!!!haha..then later hor i gg to watch angel lurver last epi n magicians lurv..vien lendin mi too.yar she gg wuhan tml good luc.have funn yippess had fun todaes..tired..
class part6y wwas the bestest lor..mdm siti was touched class b0nd yeah..
mioss lam lurv the shirt n hehe pz pro0pose to her..she nvr accept nvm haha..die 6.00 ler..missin my linger n xia0 yao ge ge

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