
Sadn3ss...N0thin bt sadn3ss

i am feeling DOWN....
arrs dun ask y..act is bc0x of the stupid exams lar bt den hor all the maths n his fault..
i m so sadded l0r.. the math right i tink i am lossiing 11 marks le 11 marks kan..it may mean nothin bt den 4 mi i lke so math a lot leh minus 11 marks is alt lar... =( u kan sae i am vri kiasu bt den i tink i am osos gg to fail my his n eng le lor...die le lar..reaallli dam shit de..wad happen to mi
my grades are lke..

l0rs..damn sad de..aiy0s realli nthmuch to sae onli kan sae jy jy hai shan u kan do it blah it is all rubish lor ... nvm i go sleep den beta lers..thx ml 4 the c0mfort on the bus realli help lots..bt still kant help feeling sad ..i mus chi0ng my art .. dnt..literature..vocab n the ailin thingy damn shit de lor i kant ONLINE le lar..my tyme alt spent in here lehs! nvm..jy hai shan g0g0g0g0...x
oh yar my holi plan drawn out le..yays..nt high at all okies mon n tue gg back to sk00l 4 dnt n then wed gg out with my darlinks la0 po.. srii ed georgina jeantte n edwina kanot attend ur bdae wishin u all earli bdae first!be happy..thurs is lke gg to a place with my favs..haha mb fridae gg with my c0uxxies to out lo yayas...bt u see so fast 1WEEK gone haiss beta take1 dae 4 studiin haha funi as if i will do tt lors..nvm now not time le go learn lit n v0cab beta..haha bl0g realli good i feel beta lers pouriing my sadness all out ...thx bl0g lurv ya i am sia0 >_<

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