

spider crab =P


mi and rach

yest nvr bl0g c0x i went to..


ok dia0.but then i nvr step int0 that place f0r bout 7 yrs i think...

yest aft guitar chi0ng hme and change and went there..

hmmm i took need to take very long and neeed to drive f0r many hours but

suprisingly no=)
ok.. lets see we went to viv0.f0r the first time.(felt that i very n00b sia)

nvm to eat lunch the food republic is nice.vry chinat0wn hahas.

bt then f00d is ok lar. quite exp for mi als0=X

then aft that bought tickets to take the m0n0rail that link to sent0sa //

st0p at the beach station.

went to visit dolphin lag00n .

hahas s0 old still s0 childish.

then the tickets gt offer =>14.00 f0r adults.

then i was lke s0 exp. heng is incleded the underwater w0rld der.=)
then see dolphins and take pics lar.

stop cam of mine cant z00m and bl0ck by ppls head s0 dun post better.

mian de DIU lian .

den that was ok lar.

m0ved on to underwater w0rld.

i lke that place =) because gt air con =PPP


went in it look small but nah..

s0 big and nice....

first touch the BABy sharks.the skin are lke LEATHER =) they dun bite ..

hahas then secondly my fav touch STINGRAY hehe.they dun sting

ok it was scary lar.their skin damn slimy..ee but they are nice =P

nxt see crabs=)))a lot kind of crabs and also took a f0t0 family one nice nice=)

then took the so called escalotor and go round the water aqurium =)) hahas.

many nice marine animals..

aft that must chiong to the siloso beach. n it is already 5pm..

c0x at 7.30 we are gg to see s0ng of the sea.

s0 played at the beach splash here and there =PP

laris and maine almost swam to the opp beac hahas i didnt all0w.

it was danger0us and DEEP. although they know how to swim but danger0us la..

played super long then went to bath cr0wded lke shit =PP

then scolded lar late ler. reach the s0ng of the sea at 7.45 there and it ended at 8.05 ohhh

waste $$hais..

bt then the sh0w was a bit lame but the effect was very nice using sea water and the spraying of water is fantastic =)))))

hehe then hungry maa went to gelyang eat lots,,

went hme sleep=)

tt all l0ng post ler.

thanks cs f0r the fir album =)) enjoys ...

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