

hihi so late then bl0g today

went out with...




laris and mi=)

ate se0ul garden..hahas

super exp lar-is 12 bucks actually not bad

rare we come out eat together s0 eat exp one lor=)

i really ate a lot but so bad at home no weighing machine confirm reach 40+++ der lor...

really a lot we ate...meat bee h00n clam vege fishballs beef prawns sotong ice cream ice kachang hahas.

ate from 1.30--3.30 hahas.

then later went to hunt for rachels present but haven found something we like=)

s0 went to cs and vien saw ne0print station so go pai lor nan der =)

later i put the pics =))))

oh ya then yay tmL going out bowling..

heard that ed cann0t go he can only reach at 3.00

haixx bt nvm la at least get to play =)))

erm wearing the same clothes as wad i am wearing tml hehe.

cox it is nice but vri sh0rt scared cold

i bring jacket=) and lazy to wash hahas. i am lame..

nvm enuff crapping..pics time=) h0pe tml will not spend too much m0ney.

h0pe every0ne will be happy tml =)))))

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