erm let mi blog bout yest and today larghs/
a sh0rt one kan lerss.
nvr go out yes although is sunday lar.
stayed at home and watched ZHONG ji yi ban last epis0de hahas/
nice nice larghs. going to re watch again if gt time...
ps huan xian. erm ok say sumthing bout zjyb lar.
erm i like calvin chen more after this sh0w hahas he is g00d i sia0 ler.
da d0ng and xia0 yu is als0 cute the lor.
more mad bout ya se hahas-calvin.
nvm that alls.
at night went to play with couzins at my house der the carpark hahas.
played till 9.00 skipped my dinner but dun kare had FUN!=)
we played BADMINTON hahas.
s0ccer and truth or dare.-we are lame but FUN.enjoys a lotz.
then went home eat and watch tv the channel8 programme -watch Zh0ng ji Yi ban again
i sia0 der.hahas.then slept-too tired lers-muscle aches.
next day------
woke up at 1200 hahas so late-i am a pig i always say.
ok then erm went to r0sys house for lunch and watch tv for long hours.
bored and tired so went rollar blading and cycling at block downstairs hahas.
germaine and laris even woree r0llar blade to east point to buy bbt-dia0zz.=) =X
if mummy knows she confirm killmi=Xdangerous hahas.
nvm i am not as careless as my sis =)
ok let mi post a ZH0ng ji yi ban f0t0!
i lurves fotoand nice hair xq=)
better then mine at least =( hahas

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