
0u xiang ju <333

i gt nothing to do so look for some ou xiang ju and talk bout it =)


official web site =))

this 0u xiang ju reminds mi of ming dao and qia0 en hahas.in wang zi bian qing wa=)

2nd nice 0u xiang ju i first came acr0ss..


i only watch some parts but then lin zhi ying is super shuaii der =)) lurv him lots.

couldnt find official website ps =) nice sh0w..i tink hahas

3rd one is my fav =)))


hahas this is after g0ng zhu xiao mei =)) e zuoj u zhi wen de n.02 =)

ok the others like
romantic princess and dou nu yao bu ya0
als0 very nice =)) mus watch them hahas.
that all i am so lame ..
bt this 0u xiang ju sh00d b nt bad ba hehe=))
huan huan ia als0s=))

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