

Hey guys or whoever who is reading :D

Changed my skin yesterday and my blog title to Sunday Tales.
Haha because i have decided to update every Sunday so that i will be able to keep track of my week :D
Lol like Sumiko whom writes on every alternate sunday, i will write in this space every sunday too when i have the time to r&r :)
My brain really cannot store too much so i have to load it elsewhere.

And i couldnt have been any more lag seriously.
I have been religiously blogging and i didnt even know that there were new changes to the blogskins
lol and here i am still lamenting about how mac cannot change blogskin (maybe im too tech handicapped to do it). Anyways played with the skin settings and here it is. Keeping it simple and red-my style. Even though like everyone else i love the flip cards and dynamic view but i guess i still want to personalise it a little x)

So it was my last week in the hospital and the gynae ward.
Like the comments i gave my CI, i absolutely love the posting there.
Its wonderful! all the new experiences and all.
A range of emotions to the events we faced.
Although i have to serve my bond and still yet decided on my future permanent stay
but this discipline is indeed a heartwarming one, challenging and exciting too.
And another note to make to myself: If you ever get pregnant and deliver safely, count yourself lucky because u dont know how darn hard it is to have a safe pregnancy & a healthy/normal baby. Not saying like im gonna have mine now, just saying if it ever happens.
Thanks for the wonderful posting, heartfelt and genuine gratitude and appreciation for the time and knowledge put in place for us :')
All in all i can't wait to move on to the next hospital (:
Enjoying my work day in and out because im seriously learning new stuff each day and interactions with strangers/clients i swear is the toughest nut to crack for me now :D

on 3/6 : Had post lunch at stranger's reunion with the ladies :) wa love cafe and food hunting like this :DDD next is carpenter and cook :D went for dance and i didnt know A's class upgraded to adv beg. So i went in like a noob and stunned because i have been losing touch with dance already. Thank god it wasn't too bad. Cant wait for the continuation this week :)

4/6: After skipping many lessons of combat ever since it started i finally returned to it at the expense of POZ's birthday celebration :( i did 2 hours straight of combat and i was really about to collapse. o_o hehe my super nice cher agreed to let us make up and try her zumba lessons because zumba's the IN thing now right xD lol OH YAH and exam results. No one asked me. Lol and it was surprising too. HAHA just glad study efforts didnt put to waste and all the dance pract and performance didnt affect it.

5/6: horrible date that i wouldn't like to recall because i was too ashamed to. Sometimes i dont mind removing excessive hormones in me before my period. Simply because my mood swings, PMS and attitudes suck. Its hard to believe if i said that it was uncontrollable but seriously i cannot fathom why it would happen on someone whom i love :'(. Maybe it has been too long since i unleashed my emotions and he may be a good vent. EKKS can't believe i will actually do such things to hurt people around me.Seriously my temper is LAST WARNING!

6/6 & 7/6 were my PM shift so i always take these opportunities to rest because i was still hurting from the exercise earlier this week xD

8/6 went to dance again because no one asked me out haha and i was simply too free. Before that had a sumptuous breakfast at toast box. Amongst the rest, their toast stands out to me best. Esp their butter. Tried their thick toast and i enjoyed the butter one ! other than that, i think that traditional kaya toast is good enough for me. Their tea is really sweet and smells great and they serve really HUGE EGGS XD. Well well, it was so fulfilling cause we had a set each and i couldnt even stomach my lunch haha. But i still ate la! Anyways headed to dp again and went for T's lesson :D Damn gooad but realise my body was shaking because i got no STRENGTH >< Need to gym more. ;( and K's class but we were distracted because there's special guest and her moves are so groovy next door :D but i believe K can do it too ! Saw few seniors there too. Stress Stress. At night had 18chefs again with 18/10 classmates. haha :) tried a different course this time. I would say i would stick to my original and i love their ILT there most :D teehee. Crap a bit and update a bit. it was a super chillax session :') cant wait to visit Xing's workplace.

Today: read the papers and S's article struck me ! haha something about F's day. Its true for me too. I would do more for M than F sometimes because simply we are aren't as close. But i beg to differ for some example my cousins got a ultra close r/s with their dad that i think would be better than that as compared to their mum. Still the love equation is always imbalance. Sometimes i wondered if my dad minds that we love our mum's more than him. Would he be jealous? because if im the dad i would definitely be! but its hard to say because im no guy and i have got no oxytoxin (perhaps less). Probably the article served as a good reminder to love our dads tooo because i wouldnt want my children to love me more in the future.

Have been scanning through archives and one thing never change.
I TALK A LOT and so long like an annoying AH MA.
Anyways gonna get coloured contacts this time i try !
hehe and gonna be late cause i have to meet sissy to go my cousin's house to visit my ah ma once again :)
 Last week at A's birthday celebration * forgotten if i have uploaded*

^ damn funny cause J & I were so worried that we had to explain to our partners lol YEAP and he is one camwhore maniac this is his phone & app & it has been edited by him!. HAHA

^ yeap this is the pretty stranger's reunion! :) not my photo taken it of the web ! cause it looks prettier than mine :D the waffles there are great ;D

THATS ALL PEEPS :> see you next week ~

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