

This was supposed to be posted on my birthdate.
But university life and academic datelines kept me busy till now.
So warning : i'm lazy to split this post into several posts. So i shall me clumped it here with my oh so awesome summarising skills. So, i'm sorry if everything sounds so insincere and touch-and-go. U know feelings and memories fade -impermanence- with time but i can assure my loved ones that the moment of bliss was truly felt and sincerely appreciated with gratitude in my heart if i weren't able to express it well enough with my inept vocab or expressions :)

25/10 Thurs :
Celebrated my early birthday dinner with da braker and a wifey. :')
Never fail to laugh like a hysterical lady with them :D
The view that night was awesome.
and the shopping with wifey too. A pity my other half wasn't there.
But it's sufficient to see most of their faces even after 2 years after graduating from dmn!
You know the feeling of meeting old pals feeling all comfortable and warmed-up all over again.

Had our inaugural steamboat at pearl's house. Was shopping for ingredients in the morning like aunties :D Hmm got to improve on my culinary skills if not don't need to jia chu qu le! and i learnt how to appreciate my mummy's fine culinary skills after this xD
Finally, i spent my vouchers at kikki k with sy ! :D i must say thanks for some advices. Still working on it still figuring things out and it really depends on my mood sometimes. HAHA.
Afterwards, visited my aunt at the hospital. okay i must say its not very nice to be applying my nursing skills during the hospital visit. but i paid attention to the oxygen therapy, nasogastric tube feeding, pressure ulcers, embolism stockings when i was in the room. I'm amazed at how applicable my nursing clinical skills are and i actually felt a sensed of relieved. of course i had to step out of my comfort zone to provide some form of care. So with my lack knowledge and experience, my only form of support for my aunt was to apply moisturiser which would maintain her skin integrity. i believe therapeutic touch does help. Even though she's gone but i believe, she left well. Her departure reminds me how fragile our lives can be and i realise that i'm starting to worry at every little thing thats happening around me thats beyond my control. Instead maybe i should be grabbing on any opportunity available to make the best out of adversity.

And so instead of receiving, i had a feeling that i had to reciprocate these fortunate givings to someone else and not be the one receiving endlessly. HAHA and i'm so glad i found a way to pass on these kindness from others by volunteering . So coincidentally, nusbs had a volunteer event on saturday. I don't know what pushed me to sign up for the event on my own. I guessed i really wanted to do something more meaningful. Lol i almost regretted when we gathered at eunos to find out that we are delivering the food items to boon lay and so that means i have to train home from boon lay when the event ends. After manually dragging/ carrying/lifting the food items to the nearest carpark or flat, i swear my biceps/ triceps/ extensors/ flexor or whatever muscles you can find on my body increased in tone. haha but physical suffering actually made me feel that i place in effort during the entire event .

Amazing that i could still met dear to get a hair cut together.
That night there was an ongoing dans festival at esplanade.
At first i thought i had to go down alone. But my dear miraculously could go out on a sat night so why not.
We or maybe only me enjoyed the music and the lessons
but still so shy to move ! :x
Lol took photo with 'GAHO' too  :D

i think i was re-organizing and studying and i came across A SUPER SUPER Long word. I bet it isnt a word. So amazed by it cause i tried to pronounce it for 3x?

29/10 mon:
In short its school with sy and pearl >> dear >> Tut 2 (dont like calling tut 2 too formal leh ) >> surprise visit from fel :') >> Dance plus my dear jia ying xD >> family.
What could be better than this right. Being able to see all my cherished and loved ones in a day (:
so celebrating or growing old may not be a bad thing afterall cause i get to pause to see and hear from my dear ones once again in the midst of my busy life and that gives me a lot a lot of strength. I DONT MIND GROWING OLDER EVERYDAY. :>

31/10 wed:
I shall make a special mention as it was my last dance lesson in nus FOR THE SEM & we had audition for an item next year. (: yeap i can't wait for practice to commence already :D. get to know some of dance mates even better !! and perform on stage for the first time?? unsure if that might actually happen because my mum is kind of not kind of BUT REALLY against it. still, hs won't let such golden opportunity past right by alright. >:D REBEL hs revive again.

1/11 thurs:
Oh man, it was time for poster submission. personally, this is a pretty significant event as it marks the end of our IPE project with the pharmacy students. initially, i was hesitant and skeptical of our capabilities and whether this would actually work out. Plus you know my over-paranoid- brain would stress me consistently and worry me till no end and general stereotypes did hindered my perceptions towards them. When the project ended, i actually missed them. haha i enjoyed working with them even if they didn't. And in fact there was a lot to thank them for. if not for them, mj and i would prolly be lost sheeps still 'mehh-ing' away. so i was glad it ended well regardless of the result we receive. Up till now we haven't deleted the 'the seal project' group you know xD.

fast forward to 5/11(week 12):
haha very wonderful to have dear going to school and back home with me cause our timetable are in sync. AND its damn rare. So i was actually PARANOID again for his over acting kindness. bad habit hs. haha sometimes i should just TAKE IT AS IT IS and not think so much or make ridiculous self assumption yea. Anyway it was grateful how he waited for me for dance to end, how he intro-ed makisan and we still haven't decide on our vans. GRRRRRRRR. well, great time spent. No over attachment no over attachment

Another significant milestone for me! had our second Fon pratical test. WHOOHOOHOO.
This time i was arranged to be in the first slot.
Guess what i love the first slot. less waiting time and in fact i felt less anxious as compared to the previous times. :D went off to meet mama and family <3 p="p">
and today was awesome quality time spent again :D with complete circle of datrololol with wk! except for dua pai jq !!!!!! pissed but its alright still got wifey number 2 birthday :D. love coco such adorable little thing i feel like owning one too. I will be a bad pet owner as i can forsee :O awesome time, aweseome company and awesome cake !!!! whee can't wait for holiday with them . This time im not going to miss it no matter what !

And Oh no i'm falling in love with song jong ki and i do not know why.
i just find him so damn cute and irresistible to watch!!!

OH my goodness so long o_O HEHE but i feel good already.
I pray for good health and smiles for everybody wheeeee~
will be back when final ca's are over :D
miss ya and miss me !
Love, shan

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