
Tiptop love

Have this strong urge to meet up with wifeys !
i dont know why, wonder if they share the same sentiments :)

the week has finally come to an end !
its concert/mass dance tomorrow.
But i prefer the former cause the latter has too much too lose.
i know i wont be able to stand it.

I love my job. Wonder if commitment for another 2 months will be a problem.
Hmm because im slowing falling in love with it day by day.
Enjoying the pleasures and little lessons learnt from the doctors, the nurses, the psa, my temp mates.
hope my love and feelings for it wont end so quickly.

feb is going to be a boring month !! all guy class mates go army, all girl friends working, cousins studying, parents working. :/ How is family and social life possible when handling daily routine is already taxing for us. hahas. signs of getting old. ~ haiyo.

the show made me love the song once more ;D

想踮起腳尖找尋愛 遠遠的存在
我來不及 說聲嗨 影子就從人海暈開

才踮起腳尖的期待 只怕被虧待
我勾不著還 微笑忍耐
woo~ 等你回過頭來

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