
Today was a fairy tale.

lol i bought BIGBANG cd !!!
shhh ~.
though i have the songs but still i ought to give them my ultimate support ^^
cause i'm a super-number-one-fan of them (Y)

and OMG no limit! (u-know's) show is broadcasting on mobtv !
I'm salivating over his ultimate hot-ness in the show :)
and i came upon an advertisement stating that GLEE would be on channel 5 on i don't know when
but thats a very very good news because i no longer need to scout for websites to catch up with the episodes :D

and y is msn screw-ing up at this moment ):
i need to send something about GPP!!!!!!!! D:

and geneveive intro-ed F.cuz jiggy sounds good & urh CUTE ;D

and yay today is my red queen's{yun xing's} birthday!
i love her so ~ :D

got to go byebye
im late as always xD

and omg i must boast about this i finished 2 tutorials for math one more to go :D
wonder how's lynette doing? :D

^ from big bangs's fan site (: not mine though i wish to.
he melts me (:

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