

i like this new drama. ha!
awesome but due to copyright issues i can't find it anywhere on the internet.
Amazingly this series is on mobtv !
gah its the first time i fell in love with mobtv LOL.
however the sad thing is its ONLY airing 2 episodes. -.-
argh PISSED.

o ya wishing mummy a happy happy birthday :D
her strawberry cake rocks xD
only i know how to appreciate sad. :(!

jiaxin's NINETEEN already.
so old!!!! haha
lol have yet gone out to celebrate with her.
awww ~
i bet she has no time for me already!
cause ...... lol

AND omg (: i love swimming lessons with cousins.
rach,laris and daryl made swimming less arduous :D
It the chatting session thats unforgettable.
can't wait for BHB laris's good news xD

okay its time to fry some eggs for lunch!
damn it i ate KFC for lunch and dinner yesterday.>;(

bibibibbibibibibibi (L)

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