
StressLOR..books are killing mi.

relax i am super stress...
b00ks are killing me.
science maths eng chinese ge0 ss everything.
my diagnostic test so bad..
and that motivated me to work harder for my pathetic english
okies jia you..but it is not going to be easy.
i need a eng tution cher my english sucx...
the purpose for blogging and msn. is to release stress lar
i onlining till 2.00 only as i have to rush all my homework by today so i will have time for revision on weekends =P
evening goin to my ah gong house so i am afraid time is not enough.
my list of homework and my revision plan..lol/
DESPERATE for revision as i am doing really badly for my subjects =(
jyjy =P
home work
1.a maths ex 1g and wksht =(
2.eng compre
3.chemistry workbook
4.bio workbook.
1.eng test.
2. e math test.
3.a math test.
4. chinese ass.
5.v0cab quiz
6.ss chapter 2.-gov in spore
7.bio chapter 3-diffusion
8 chem chapter 6-ionic bonding
9. physic-unit9

DYING soon.hmm...no more on9 ler.
byebye.2.02 shit

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