
MAny hm..ps is HW .

hmm.hi hi.
i understand this blog is dying s00n hahas.
so i got t0 revive it..
thx BK for leaving the c0mment.
cox my bl0g almost died.
it is just the 10 or 9 day since school.
started and my hm ps is hw is lke a pile.
subjects are real diff lor.
bt wad to do .
i chose it.
nvm =9 jus continue.
hmm gtg off9 s00n to do my hw
i kn0w that my bl0g is super bored.
s0 bear with it till i have new events.
maybe Chinese new year hahas.
or the band concert near march..guitar will be going too..
ok that all.
24hrs is not enuff.
hahas i am greedy pig.

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