Here i am at 1.30am refusing to sleep because i finally gained the luxury to sleep past 12.
thats because my work contract ended today.
What makes me happiest most aint because i have no work tomorrow but the fact that i worked for 3months without backing out halfway. all the presents were encouraging and aww im still thinking of returning after my 2 weeks break :D shall enjoy first.
So tonight i was stuck with thinking what i could do to make full use of this short yet significant 2 weeks before i'm recharged and ready to return to work (:
before i plunge into anything else, i got to start packing for my 3 day trip to malaysia ~
snipping away jagged ends to make my hair look well kept. start reading and picking up my guitar. going for dental as well as checking my spending -.-
sometimes dont u have the urge of doing something crazy on impulse?
today that feeling is hell strong
maybe because i'm too bored.
feel like dying my hair
feeling like wearing coloured contacts
feel like...
sometimes this urges are useful they make me do things that i never have the guts to do xD
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