Lets see, recently i have been pretty kept to myself or should i say enjoying the inner peace :D
Work have commenced for a week, its good to see familiar faces cause they are much sweeter than before. Feels like a status rise ? but i realized i smiled a lot more during work than before (: I'm learning a lot - not only from the doctors but also the nurses/psas and patients. before i repeat myself all over again about my work.
Shall move on to more updates !
- got into NUS already :) wheeeeee its indescribable when i received the sms saying that there is a change in application status i got so uptight, i made my mum check it for me during work & glad the reply came and i got what i wanted all along :D. *pat pat*
-better start applying for driving soon!!!! + braces by next month after all treatment is done !!! fel and i never gets things done wahahahhaha. tsk tsk
-cant wait for my wifeys to be back with my all new facial wash YIPPEEEE.
-cant wait for new phone !
-cant wait for concert!(maybe not that much)
-cant wait for jx's 21 ! 1st time celebrating 21 :D
-cant wait for my thirteenth dance lesson LOL
-cant wait for perfect match's ending !
-cant wait for my dear ass to return (:
so many cant waits, lets hope they really happen(:
heaven is a place on earth with you (:
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