^ before dear chaisy left sad

^the view's beautiful righttttttt
whoots April's here already !Got my april fools joke in the early morning.
My friend thought i was dizzy and dumb easy to bluff but failed
haha my mind had a silent warning about April fools
Anyways saturdays and sundays are the best time of the week.
i was amazed i survived saturday !
Went for my 5km run (: proud to say i finished it and remained alive.
What makes the run more satisfying was that it was drizzling muddy and windy and chilly
it makes the 5km seem even more impossible but still trudged through it.
so 10k is next :D cant wait!
and then it was danceeee ~
cant believe i'm missing this next week
really feel like dying or splitting myself into half you know!
i will miss the stretches and learning so much :(
once a week only and i never want to be late for it
lastly, went to rhythm on the bay at marina bay sands cause tjc people were performing :D
the turnout rate was good (: the ambience and scenery was a bonus plus point (:
thoroughly enjoyed myself there and the dinner at simpang was great too but i didnt have much energy left on me already. Its seriously a beautiful place at night k so going there again ! to just breathe and stare since i have time ! oh the best part was the flea. GAWD i bought clothes at 2 and 5 bucks. how awesome is that man haha JAW-DROPS :D love shopping till no end!
Sunday wasn't any less strenuous.
yea made a trip down to ecp but didnt cycle after metta and swimming at night.
Drained me like nobody's business !
still, kind of miss the beach got to go visit someday :D
OH NOOOO got the scores for the songs already got to
oh yesh and swim more :'( why my fitness like that ah . :/
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