hellos [:
swimming cancelled cos of bad bad weather :'(
today had a MINI-6B gathering HAHAS.
only 7 people turn-ed up.
presenting : cass,mei yunn,bryan,jian hsien,jia yi,andy&me! >.<
LOL we went all the way to marina square to watch a movie HAHAS.
then cass and bryan was fighting to watch the movie they want.
and cass give in cos bryan was going to treat her entire movie ticket HAHAS (:
SO GD HAR ?! hahas.
then went in to watch movie.
hAHAS the cinema is pretty [:
damn BIG and SPACIOUS. that is why the tickets cost 7.50 hahas.
THANKS jian hsien for his free POP-corn. hahas.
okay the movie we watched was :quantum of solace
seriously, this is not my kind of show.
every 10 seconds, PEOPLE are FIGHTING
fighting scenes are more then the words they spoke hahas.
and the best thing was i didnt understand the show at all -.-
haha blame it on my english [: tsktsk (:
den all CHIONG Home later hahas.
AND HAIS. im the shortest already.
i regretted not jumping more when i was in sec1 and 2
and now have to stay at this pathetic height FOREVER :[
sadly there were no pictures :[
later gotta help new friend do something hahas
hope i can make it tml to make his wish come true HAHAS(:
and ELAINEEEEEEEE [: thanks for introducing KEVIN to me.
HE IS GEORGEOUS XD. his voice rocks and song rocks.
YAY go kevin. and he is only 17 hahahas
boy, kevin is just the korean boy hor hahas :P
LOL and something coincidental happened on msn Hahas (:
todayy in class, gotta say MEITING AND POH ZHUANG are so cute (:
haha the way they bicker are so cute :D.
and thanks XQ haha she accompanied me the entire day in class [:
of course she is the other part of me duh i go where she go HAHAS x)
so nobody can steal her from me :]
and added bryan on MSN. if u see this hahas TAGGGED on my blog :B
OKAY CRUSH by david....(dunno his full name)
has been replaying for a million times
SO im in a great mood now and will refrain from spreading F-words across my blog
cos i do pity the people who reads these.
to those people on my tagboard and xq's taggy:
LOL. seriously u got nothing better to do.
it is obviously not done by one person.
and i should thank u for flooding my taggy is it.
HAHAS. when i saw it. my first reaction was LAUGH.
it was hilarious for me. so im nt even a single bit PISSED. hahas
bt then leave my wifee alone OK. iknow she is lovely. but she has nth to do wif this.
so butt out. hahas u can cont to leave a tag. bt pls dun spam it or spit vulgar or else i will block it
HAHAS. and so thanks ya for cooperation and everyone
lives happily in peace. HAHAS :)
n for other readers.
u can do me a great favour by tagging
to clean up my taggy kaes.
dont bother the other spams. hahas
its just rubbish. no offence (;
done wif my piece HAHAS.
okay afternoon was pretty unhappy.
hahas i still took the present in the end
so i gotta apologise to my friends :(
and wee zhu saw me on the bus HAHAS
bt wad me unhappy was something else.
HAHAS boy knows it :)
lol i could not even bring myself to be angry wif u.
i forgive u HAHAS. dun feel sad or sorry wor [;
cos im fine :D
sorry for hanging up all ur calls :X
hahas (:
i love darling much more than
my heart can hold {:
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
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