

omg im feeling so tired.
going to fall alseep soon
today is going to be a busy day

  • swimming :D
  • eat dinner aft that
  • corner wif love on channel U
  • study phy SPA omg.
all these things are going to happen in one night.
HAHAS thanks for all the goodluck yest.
HOPE passing my cl will not be a problem for me (:
aww i got to find time to catch up wif my mum for FTLY.
they are so great to pangseh me yest.
but nvm boy was sms-ing me HAHAS.(X

LOL i will try to find something more interesting to post .
if there is something interesting happening HAHAs.

today's physic extra lessoon was FUNNY(:
we(ml jq wk xq) were playing wif the lenses, torch blah blah
ya and they were doing some BIAN TAI stuffs hahas
shining light on places where they should not SHINE hahas.
LOL i dunnot why i found it FUNNY HAhas.

LOL bloghopping count the n.o of blogs i have HOPPED. ^^
reading blog rocks.
n friends blog more LOLXDD
i have been reading strangers blog HAHAs (: o.o
bt lovin' it :D
thanks Marcos on MSN today (: LOL

boy boy im tinking already
the reason y im scared
dumb LOL. >.<
dun smile when u see this lOLXD >> i lurv darling HAHAs.
im w8ign for ya call LOL

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