
Love Story

^ a song that i love recently.
intro-ed by new friend (:
the lyrics are favourite-ed.

TODAY, this should be a rather meaningful post.
because i did meaningful stuffs
and had a meaningful day (:
morning is ultra suay.
the 38 i boarded was empty LOL
and i had silly thought that
the bus driver was going to kidnap me DIAO. =.=
then 28 broke down on me
the engine was irritating and boy was saying GOOD lor. LOL
and yeah i was lucky there was a 28 behind
and i saw WEI QINGGGG (:
so we bus-ed there together HAHAS :D

phy spa was ok cos boy's goodluck spell worked (:
hahas thank u (x
before i start the meaningful today
haha i gota thank chang HAHA u know i know LOLXD
THANKS a lot really(:
and joshua msg damn damn funny HAHAs :D
waa busy ON MSN =.= LOL xD
and XUE QI dont close blog leh :( WAWAWAWA.

okay okay.
today after bio mdm lim asked me jq and weiqing to
accompany her to temasek poly de kindergarten school
to teach science (:
and before that went MAC to eat
o ya owe weiqing $ ! and then saw some ppl that irks me HAHAS ;D
OMG it was then i realise i ADORE little children
i saw mdm lim's son,mr kang's cute clement (:, and many many cute lil boys HAHAS
and my fav is ICHIRU KAW. lol a cute name and a cute boy
OMG sadly my phone broke down n there wasnt a picture of him
:'(. and others ALSO DAMN cute.
gavin,yue heng,ethan erm i dunno just CUTE BOY BOY all the way (:
omg if my boys sees this hahas XD.
and taking care of lil children is NOT EASY.
their liveliness is SCARY. their energy is FULLY CHARGED
and im totally not their opponent =.=
just spending 2hours wif them can drain my entire self
and the chers there have to stay for 9hours. WOAH.
we did PAINTING diao lor. it would seem boring
bt then just by gazing at the children faces
the hardwork totally paid off (:
so i would consider giving up my ambition and look for such jobs instead.
i sound so old =.=
OK SO that is all.
i haven practice for guitar audition
argh. :( MEMORISE >.<

HAHA boy boy i dun write today.
den u are gonna cry. LOL
no lar.
just remember,
when u dun wan me must tell me first hor HAHAS (:
and must do well and ur best JIAYOUS. (:
win for me and for money HAHAS :D

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