it has been more then a week or two.
ar har finally after hours of using the com
i finally came to BLOG ;D
okay actually EXAMS EOY AND everything thing that happened last week.
made me upset.
please do not mention subjects like phy or chem or bio in my face
or i just shun u away. imean it.
and im saying it the last time EOY sucks to the Core. fuck it man.
wa shiok hahas XD.
Actually i was truely depresses when i came home.
LOL i was demoralised?depressed?sadded?
hahas but now after
laying my fingers on my "medicine-computer."
wow within an hour i recuperate.
thanks for talking to ppl on msn + my cr buddies blah blah blah.
im SO happy now. (:
those pathetic marks were long forgotten and im SO HIGH
I LOVE KANAME STILL the most hes da best (:
although zero is great bt it just irks me when yukki shuns him(kaname) away :'(
hahas :D
sorry these things are not interesting so ps
i was hoping for a more interestin post but hais sorry peeeps =.=!
and SHE tian liang le rox (:
kay bye :D
chiong for bio and chem ba!
im not thinking anymore (:
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