^ LOL the above song totally capture my heart HAHAs.
a SAD SAD emo song. but i LOVE it sosososos nice (:
today i was urm sorrryyy cause nvr watch movie wor.
HAHAS. den so bored stuck at home wor.
PAISEH (:all my fault hais. :'( hahas.sorry (:
nvm at night still got go school (:
lol take DISGUSTINg results.
pray hard it will not turn out that badly,nvm joshua will an wei wo HAHAs (:
LOL and i just realise VK guilty starting song-full version ROCKS (:
it is better then the TV version ahaha and i got the SONGS LOL
dun jealous LOLXD. =.=
but where is EPISODE 3??? :(
and i wanna lodge a COMPLAIN.
LOL i cut off my stinking FRINGE and i look like a weird IDOIT
(side tracked: can u blive it im actually blogging+sms-ing +msning PRO sia :D)
MY MUM SAID:aiyo it is nice u look so young
but LOL i dun believe her at all.
worst is the HAIRdresser's attitude
really bad.tt was the first time i showed a REALLY REALLY black face in front of her man.
it made me fucking angry and
the anger did not fade till my mum comforted me(it agitated me even more actually)
bt at least she didnt scold me HAHAs. (:
Omg i cant face people at night man :'(
HOW?!! *faints*
hais. sob :'(
i got a lot of videos to watch bout ft island HAHAs (:
from cr jies :D.LOLXD and TORADORA (:
HAHAS im so busyy bye.bye (:
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