-Whats your full name?
eh TAN HAI SHAN. lol u gt a problem wif that? :D
- Do you like your first name?
uh-huh (:
- How long have you liked the person you currently like?
eh for 3mths :) >>> JAM HSIAO :D hahas
- Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?
eh sadly no hahas.
- Did you cry today?
LOL y do i have to cry? theres is no reason for me to cry.
- What are you doing this morning at 8am?
i tink talking to elaine/meilan/xueqi hahas
- What are you doing an hour ago?
watching the tv and using the com hais lifelesss.
- What are you currently doing?
obviously doing the quiz dumbo hahas;)
- Who last texted you a msg?
im nt telling XD.
- Have to told anybody that you love them today?
i tink mei lan or xue qi leh hahas.
- Do you miss anyone now?
YUP my SIS she got to come back to eat dinner wif Me :D
- Any plans for tomorrow?
nah. just another boring day :)
- What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
cos i could nt finish studying GEO hahas :D
- Is there anyone you want to be with now?
hmm not really. eh bt i dun like LONELINESS hahas
- Have you kissed anyone who's name starts with C?
nope bt M have --> my mum LOL =.=
- Name someone who make you smiles today, how?
everyone leh too many to name. all my friends :)
- Name a friend who's name starts with 'Z'
wa i dun have leh. tsk tsk too lil friends liao
- Which of your friend stays closest to you?
eh cass beside my block LOL :)
- Do you prefer to call or to text?
both. text is fast and easy. call wif xq would be lovely hahas ;D
- Was yesterday better than today?
my fever went away hahas
- Can you live a day withour tv and your phone?
NO way. tv is my life. HP is my baby HAHAS it sleeps wif me everynight LOL =.=
- Are you mad about anything now?
no im very CALM diao.
- Do you ever think that relationships really worth it?
no, not really interested in one now hahas.
- Last person you visited in a hospital?
my cousin :'( bt hes alright + handsome now
- When is your last and second last hug?
wif my MUM ;D the day b4 yest night LOL
- What does the last text msg in your inbox says?
KPO freak.
- How do you feel about your life now?
im lovin it. :D
- Do you hate anyone?
no cos it hurts to hate
- Last person you called?
- Who usually sent you the most texts in a mth?
another KPO quest.
- Is your room messy now?
LOL it is nvr neat hehe
- Who will be mad if your room is messy?
my mum.
- Your shortest relationship?
- Who do you look like? Father or mother?
my dad. my small eyes are frm him!
- Tag 10 people to do this survey! Dont be afraid to sabotage them!!
just do the quiz if u wan it i dont force u know HHAHAHA :D

LOL i got nothing much to blog.about
fever subsided cause school made me really HIGH :D
out on MONDAY for a movie :) lalala.
still finding a companion to catch butterfly lovers
lol no one interested HAHAS.
i would be willing to catch that show for hu ge :D
for hu ge only i repeat hahas ;D
enjoyed talking to huan xian and edmond. LOL we were Counting our results
and and and EDMOND highest. im so jealous. hahas.
Argh thats all 1more day to end of disastrous results :X
i will miss itazura na kiss
it badly reminds me of ISWAK and TKA. hais.
and thats all i gotta find ways to improve my ENGLISH.
hahas yesh :D
AIM :get an A1 for english in olvl LOL. dont take my words for real. please
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