
school RE-OPENS.

well i could not sleep last night and i simply dont know why.
and ya i was watching pushing daisies half-way and my mum yelled at me to switch off the tv.awwww! :(
tomorrow xq is not coming to school :( awww!
hahas.school =to sian.
the best part was when we were entering the new school hall filled with abundant amount of cold air haha :)
LOlXD.then the cher starts crapping and kept on opening and closing her mouth for approximately an hour ba!
with all the vision mission blah blah blah...boring.sad to say.

oh ya ML got a cute fringe hehehehes :)love it.damn cute.and i printed the timetable ler!
baka kor hahas sorry just felt like scolding u ~so random =.=
and thks joshua for the timetable thingy!
and chang CONGRATZ .u know wad i mean LOL XD.OPPS.*
i checked this week's yu le ITS SO NICE hahahhas.
蕭敬騰~ yeah he's so cute LOL.
棒棒堂 范瑋琪~hahas i love FAN FAN. LOLLIPOP~owodog :)
古巨基 郭靜~lol edmond will scream upon see-ing guo jing name.hehe.

tommorrow is the dateline for chinese OMG!the ng-s SUAN Ler. hahas
and wed is sport day YIPPEE!!! no school :)
do i have hw today?
hmmm think i do N i don't.hais.
gg off9 even if i want to watch itazura na kiss badly.
nvm as long as i catch my hk~when rules turn loose show can ler.
OK-ies byebye HAHAS.
tml got 3 period bio lesson.wa dun sleep can ler :(

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