
corporal punishment.

hahas, this post is going to be super fast.

and i got to find out more ab0ut corporal punishment later hahas.

LOL nothing much happened in school.so boring .hahas

i saw VIEN when im going home yay! >.<

i am going to watch zettai kareshi later hahas!

elaine said that the 10 and 11 episode is super duper touching.

i tink i will cry lar.:'( hahas.LOL

and yar many many revision to do this week!gambateh LOL XD.

my sis recently opened a compo story blog lar.

and it inspired me hahas cause it is so cool LOL. s0 they will write story chapters and post it on their blogs.maybe i will open one one day LOL.hahas.(if only i have the inspiration to read a fantastic story)

ans i LOVE JAM (not those where u spread on ur bread bt hsia0 jing teng).

HAHAHAS.lol his so cute and his singing rawks.esp when he sang the songs during golden ma awards. FAINTS.*

so he will be the picture of the day hahahs :)

(sorry bt arjoe is too cute ^^)

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