

hellos ;)
hahas didnt know what to blog about.
actually i wanted to come early and discuss wif mei lan bout the sec 3 camp thingy.
and wth who knows i slept till 5.00pm from 1.30 pm OMG*.
i really felt like slapping myself lar.stupid egg fat pig mi. ;(

no swimming today rosy got to study(jaw drops ;D) and vien cannot make it.
nvm my heartland will accompany throughout the night.
lol i rumaged through my little "library" and found out that there are 5 books that i should be reading. WAWAWA ;X + reading papers are also very important.

ya i missed all my shows this week ; zettai kareshi gokusen3 and HnC.wlao,i cannot find time leh hahas mb later lor.hais.more are coming out this week hmmm :(
nvm i got to thank joshua for loads of things sending mi songs and themes and sending an e-mail bout animals LOL :) lol and thank him for telliing me that ownskins got k850i theme lar.
how updated can i be man! hahas ;)
and who got LIFEHOUSE-you and me send mi please!!begs** hahas
super NICE :D
and i am gg to dl elva's album hahas ;)
marcos felt better ;)
chang happy birthday hahas.LOL XD(ur bdae so near to uncle lim lehs)
chey my sms BAO by 7.05 i thought i need to spend a bomb ! lol 501 msg DIAO =.=
and mei lan thx for caring my sms-es hahas lets go shopping for sec3 camp stuff yeah bt i lost the LIST shit!

opps i heard sumthing accidentally hmm =)

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