it is only like 8.10 in the m0rning and my hands are already on the computer =D
well yesterday was a great day but v.v. EXHAUSTING XP
so yest my mum and sis stole the com, i could not use the com at all
bt it is ok lar GOT ECLIPSE with me =))
well yesterday was the soccer match for sec3.
and 3a got into the semifinals although not finals =)
i cannot remember the details of the match very clearly.
cause it was freshed in my mind yesterday, but nt today =(
haha i only remember the first match was a draw and the second was a 2:1-->we lost
the third was 1:0 we won >.<. lastly was a it is OKOK =D
our class played real well :D
haha only mi and mei lan feel lke idiots cheering and getting so agitated for nothing.
lol the soccer match also help mi SKIPPED 1/2 hr of math olypaid.
and i shouldnt be proud about it.
i felt guilty and sorry for pang seh JQ! paiseh *.*
hahas bt seeing a soccer match is better lor i was dozing off during the math class SORRY cher.
yesterday in class was a perfect day for rotting.
it was super boring.
no papers back except fer AMATHS.
okae it SUCKS i swear.and spoiled my day.
f those carelessness.hahas.
bt in the end we were like talking drawing on ML lecture pad hahas.
i drew edmond really well hahas.
then also took wk hp to play games LOL.
i really suck in games hahas XD.
bt these entertainment kept me alive hahas.
hmm at night went to CGH to eat.
mee siam XDD.
wanted to go pOPular cause got 20% off and wanted to buy twilight.
bt then mum say u score well for FYE i buy for u all 4 hahas =))
criteria must get into top 5%.
and i say forget about it.. i am buying on my own hahas.
mum is not goin to be at home till sunday.i tink.
fer the vesak day thingy.
lol am i supposed to rejoice.
NO.i gotta do ALL the housework! for today and tml.
sissy can go with maine to catch a movie!
i will b goin to shee shee hse to do SUSHI !! ~
then at night staying over at viens house >.<
sunday going out hahahahas. my weekend is soo nice except for the hsechores.=(
bt that also means i cannot on9 and blog =(
oh ya today no guitar too.
lol tody actually have a 6b meeting .
and i am nt going =X urgh sorry.
and the cycling thing on MONday. also ps not goin
cos mum bringin me fer the vesak day thing.
erm ya so MONDAY IS so not a holiday for mi!!!!
that is about it.
typing this post takes about 1/2hr hahas. so longgg.
bye bye.had a great day yest and a good sleep =D

--VAMPIRE xq nice hor hahas
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