today no school.tml also =)
bt then today nt going anywhere so SLACKing and ROTTING badly at hme.
i can switch on the tv and watch the commercials that repeated twice.
every channel is so boring.
no shows to my interest.
if only they could bring in more taiwan dramas or animes =))
yest didnt blog.
super sorry to mei lan olivia and kor.
well was on9ING half way.
my mum stole the com so i went to watch show-arena
and did nt get to touch the com till now.
yest we didnt went out =(
bt it wasnt that bad.
wk ed ml xq n mi went to eat lunch.
xq went hme earlier
bt i stayed on.
wait fer bk jerry and marcus and sherry to cum.
lol in the end.
dunno where to go or walk walk.
ended up on mi and mei lan went to tm.
she wanted to buy something n since we gt nth to do.
so it is still a better choice then going hme.
hahas.the renovated popular so COOL and BIG AND BLACK !
then saw a pressent that is so suitable fer edm0nd hahas.seriously it is damn cute =)
tommorrow gg out fer math olympaid
then KBOX hahas =))))
yayayayayayayayayya !
lol that is all i tink my msn siao lia0.
sign out first buai buai.
picture:b4 my sis cut her hair. lol my mum says she look lke a ming xing hahahs=X
edited by my phone :)
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