

haha. these 3 stuffs are the things i am goin to blog about.
well firstly i got to thank RACHEL
hahahs my craving fer the book is lke dunno how to describe lol.
and i got to read it FINALLY lke after eternity ..
lol =) the twilight movie is coming out and i am going to catch it 100% ^^
i saw the trillers already bt it only comes out on de dec =(~long way to go.
and i would be w8 fer the last bk =)))

2ndly oh ya today morning woke up at 6.45am nt to go to school bt to go math olympaid.ZZZZZZ
so dumb can! doing math in the MORNING ~ PUKEEEE
okkies then was like time pass so slowly.
finally it was 12 went xq hse and get ready went off
lol nice and fun bt roon too small.
and quite suai de.
~~then ml recover quick must go school tml hor!
haha eeyyer gotta go school tml =(
bt ok lar better then rotting at home right.yar =D

okkies super TIRED today hais.
i goin to DL alot alot of song that i want =)
and ya sleep early aft reading my book or play MAG of my arjoe and prepare fer school
no way i am gg to bring those books =)
so bye sleep early muakies on my way to Zettai kareshi 4 and vampire knight 6 raw if have ^^

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