

todayy i feel super DUMB.well. i th0ught SS starts at 9.30am.(bt it starts at 9)

T.T so i came at 9.20 XD.

argh.stupid sia.=(

then went to canteen to eat FRIED RICE + NUGGET :DDD

v.v.v. DELICIOUS >.<

hahas during chem less0n

everythingwent like a speedy train.

cher talk so fast we listen fast fast and the time passes reallyy fast also.

i love her teaching =) hope there would be a miracle for my CHEMISTRY.


after school we stay back for CHINESE PROJECT!

hahas.DRAW DRAW DRAW.!(at least we did some stuff)

to 3.30++pm. den went to kopitiam to EAT >_<

then take bus go home hahas.

i uploading pics that we drew hahas the i not stupid CREW:D

the entire crew

the entire crew

ps people u were too cute and hardworking ^^

hahas this is my role ^^ guess.


EAT watch and SLEEp

june holidays are perfect for rotting at home.
i have no where to go or nithing much to do except for eat sleep and use com and watch show hahas.
A B S O L U T E PIG. >.<
okkies going to watch show ler
i try to post pics if i can can lol.
hahas short post and tt all.
tml staying back t0 do chinese project ^^
today english we learn :COMPREHENSION SKILLS---->(learning from my sis educational blog-___-) hahas. ;D


BIO practical...

zero and yuuki hahas
todayy went to school AGAIN. hahas
ok i really hate the bio practical even if i love bio a lot. hahas
i feel so darn stupid lar. the bio practical although is not counted btbt i done it real bad.i swear. hais.so imperfect and careless hais hais D:
nvm.i just do better for the next time.
ooo it is raining lol i wan swimming -__-..
When is my shows coming out =( nothing to watch hahas.
o im posting pics.fr0m yest night(since rachel and germaine gg back hme today =( )~miss them


honey and clover

go school early in the morning when it is a holiday T.T
and i got to face those "alien" type of maths qns that i will never understand.

watching honey and clover for my joe chang ^^(although nt as shuai as zhi shu in TKA ).
bt try try.

hmmm doing english hw later hahs.

hahas i got the full versi0n of the vampire knight starting song lol. ^^

handling 5 shows now hahas busy sia.
the chinese project at last g0t improvement hahas we started on the plot lia0 hahahs yayays.

tml got bio less0ns. nvm it is PRACTICAL hahas.

long long time since i watch yu le. hahas watch later.

and ya people if i dun reply ur msgs v.v.v.v.v.v sorry!
reason: sms gg to bao and my father deducting my "salary" hahas. >.<



IQ Tests
Free-IQTest.net - IQ Tests

lol i did not do this.
someone helped mi ^^ hahas.
i nt so clever lor.
try the test too .LOL


Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliance
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go awayI need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling


It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreamin
gIt's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brillianceMakes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliance
Please don't go away
Cus I need you nowA
nd I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by

went back to school in the morning to get results ^^
then went to tm.
ate KFC.
went to popular walk walkk and bought my play mag.
read a lot of magazine and i enjoyed the tests =)
haha talk talk walk walk den go hme =D
oks tt all bye bye.

a song by avril lavigne-innocence.
next time posting another lyrics tear drops on my guitar.
s0 NICe sia!


Seoul garden

i can be really dirty

todayy is the last day of school.
firstly very ps to mei lan for PANG SEHing!

in school is torture again.
in the morning, we were watching edmond playing chess.LOL.
BT thanks those PRO players.i learnt pretty much ^^

it was pe next. we were "force" to go d0wn.bt ok lar.
i enjoyed watching the friendly match btwn 3a and 3d1.all were great.
only the scorching sun ar cannot tahan hahas.
then recess i shared rice with ml ^^ cheap and full .

after recess wanted to discuss chinese project.
haha it is gd that everyone participated bt lol we changed a movie.
ok lar it is really difficult and i am starting to have doubt s about completing the project
bt jy people ^^

okies after tt is the camp briefing .well ok lars.kor lucky la not going.

after that vien was w8ing for to me at the new block ^^
went with her go eat seoul garden and wif r0sy.
lol when vien called rosy at 12.30 she was still sleeping. hahas bt then nvm lar.
i went to viens house.then went to eat.14 bucks per pers0n. EXP.
i can 100% comfirm i have fatten at least 5KG
urghh.later went to walk popular ^^ and walk more to shed some fats.lol i cannot even stand straight lar.
on the way i saw chris, joelynn and yu quan they all ^^..

hahas had a happy and FULL day~
and THANKS rosy for DLING INNOCeNCe for mi =DD~love u s000 much
okies tt all.
bye bye it is parents meeting tml and als0 hahas buy present ;D
germaine gg to watch dgray man bb =)

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do



omg i am such and idiot.
finally i can add colours to my post ^^ diao diao .
i know de problem ler lar hahas

Chinese project movie >.<

tommorr0w last day of school =)
yayaya.because school is really boring these days.
some chers started teaching. others let us laze around.
sadly i got NOTHING to do. xq and mi sian sian sian.

so bad ah tan never come and take class photo with us today hahas
the phototaking is rather kns.
bt nvm we left a place for him ^^

after school was a science competition.
hmm the qns are inhuman to me.
they are not english.bt i dun care.
throwing my $ away .

wa chinese project is stressful.many things to take care of. bt we can de !
english als0 got a lot of HW. hahas nt alot bt tedious work ^^
1st wk of june is sick.-so many days to go back for REMEDIALS =(

in love with avrils songs ^^(she sings so well )
well,tommorrow gg to eat lunch wif couxiess at TM.
meeting with vien tml =)
tt all bye.
msning and bloging at the same time is DIFFICULT. hahas


no mood.

no mood at all to blog or do anything today.
got my jap and taiwan dramas to cheer mi on.
i dun wanna cum for the parents meeting on saturday =/
tt's all =D
whoos so bored.
even the HOLIS are going to be bored too.
gg to swimming tonight ^^


many things undone.

got back all the results finally
and i get to touch the computer finally.
hahas damn HAPPY.
OKAY XUE QI i will watch ZETTAI kareSHI de!
i got

BAD bad and BAD!
nvm i dun care hahas.

during the long weekends.
i was enjoying my life.
went xq house on saturday to make sushi.
at night went to vien's house and eat steamboat.
lol thks vien for goin to the market early in the morning to buy th0se great seafood =)
at her house was playing and watching dramas and sleeping lol >.<
nxt morning those 2pigs(rosy and vien) woke up at 12++pm
i was the early bird with my sis and rach and maine.
laris gort tuition.
rach got church.
mi sissy and maine was watching power rangers.
lol faints*(nothing better to watch)hahas.
then went out shopping!
lol walk a lot.my pocket is burning a hole and i even owe vien 10bucks D;
bought the stuff i yearned for and i am happy hahas.
bt the way i throw my money away is seriously scary hahas.

okaess some reminders:
gotta bring hp for smses and songs ^^
gotta bring new moon hahas =)
and erm BIO book err..

and paiseh to wk no going to bowling ( no $) hahas~
waa got a lot of jap anime to watch .
not enuff time ! hahas.

twilight main characters :



it is only like 8.10 in the m0rning and my hands are already on the computer =D
well yesterday was a great day but v.v. EXHAUSTING XP
so yest my mum and sis stole the com, i could not use the com at all
bt it is ok lar GOT ECLIPSE with me =))

well yesterday was the soccer match for sec3.
and 3a got into the semifinals although not finals =)
i cannot remember the details of the match very clearly.
cause it was freshed in my mind yesterday, but nt today =(
haha i only remember the first match was a draw and the second was a 2:1-->we lost
the third was 1:0 we won >.<. lastly was a lost.bt it is OKOK =D
our class played real well :D
haha only mi and mei lan feel lke idiots cheering and getting so agitated for nothing.
lol the soccer match also help mi SKIPPED 1/2 hr of math olypaid.
and i shouldnt be proud about it.
i felt guilty and sorry for pang seh JQ! paiseh *.*
hahas bt seeing a soccer match is better lor i was dozing off during the math class SORRY cher.

yesterday in class was a perfect day for rotting.
it was super boring.
no papers back except fer AMATHS.
okae it SUCKS i swear.and spoiled my day.
f those carelessness.hahas.
bt in the end we were like talking drawing on ML lecture pad hahas.
i drew edmond really well hahas.
then also took wk hp to play games LOL.
i really suck in games hahas XD.
bt these entertainment kept me alive hahas.

hmm at night went to CGH to eat.
mee siam XDD.
wanted to go pOPular cause got 20% off and wanted to buy twilight.
bt then mum say u score well for FYE i buy for u all 4 hahas =))
criteria must get into top 5%.
and i say forget about it.. i am buying on my own hahas.

mum is not goin to be at home till sunday.i tink.
fer the vesak day thingy.
lol am i supposed to rejoice.
NO.i gotta do ALL the housework! for today and tml.
sissy can go with maine to catch a movie!
i will b goin to shee shee hse to do SUSHI !! ~
then at night staying over at viens house >.<
sunday going out hahahahas. my weekend is soo nice except for the hsechores.=(
bt that also means i cannot on9 and blog =(
oh ya today no guitar too.
lol tody actually have a 6b meeting .
and i am nt going =X urgh sorry.
and the cycling thing on MONday. also ps not goin
cos mum bringin me fer the vesak day thing.
erm ya so MONDAY IS so not a holiday for mi!!!!

that is about it.
typing this post takes about 1/2hr hahas. so longgg.
bye bye.had a great day yest and a good sleep =D

--VAMPIRE knight.ml xq nice hor hahas


Itazura na Kiss

watching LOADs of shows =)
VK is up =) epi6 yayays kaname so cute zer0 i shuaiii =)
lol zettai kareshi also nicenice actually 5 is out bt then
now watching Itazura na Kiss = ISWAK yeah jap versi0n.

oh shit mum is coming home =(( cannot watch ler larrrrr.
nvm i watch tml =((
arghh SADDED.
results i get all then say.
bt still ok at the moment no crying yet hahahs lol.

ok really gtg see YU le read my eclipse then sleep then tml get back eer xin results
urgh. =/



haha. these 3 stuffs are the things i am goin to blog about.
well firstly i got to thank RACHEL
hahahs my craving fer the book is lke dunno how to describe lol.
and i got to read it FINALLY lke after eternity ..
lol =) the twilight movie is coming out and i am going to catch it 100% ^^
i saw the trillers already bt it only comes out on de dec =(~long way to go.
and i would be w8 fer the last bk =)))

2ndly oh ya today morning woke up at 6.45am nt to go to school bt to go math olympaid.ZZZZZZ
so dumb can! doing math in the MORNING ~ PUKEEEE
okkies then was like time pass so slowly.
finally it was 12 went xq hse and get ready went off
lol nice and fun bt roon too small.
and quite suai de.
~~then ml recover quick must go school tml hor!
haha eeyyer gotta go school tml =(
bt ok lar better then rotting at home right.yar =D

okkies super TIRED today hais.
i goin to DL alot alot of song that i want =)
and ya sleep early aft reading my book or play MAG of my arjoe and prepare fer school
no way i am gg to bring those books =)
so bye sleep early muakies on my way to Zettai kareshi 4 and vampire knight 6 raw if have ^^



staying at home is even m0re boring then i can imagine.
today no school.tml also =)
bt then today nt going anywhere so SLACKing and ROTTING badly at hme.
i can switch on the tv and watch the commercials that repeated twice.
every channel is so boring.
no shows to my interest.
if only they could bring in more taiwan dramas or animes =))

yest didnt blog.
super sorry to mei lan olivia and kor.
well was on9ING half way.
my mum stole the com so i went to watch show-arena
and did nt get to touch the com till now.

yest we didnt went out =(
bt it wasnt that bad.
wk ed ml xq n mi went to eat lunch.
xq went hme earlier
bt i stayed on.
wait fer bk jerry and marcus and sherry to cum.
lol in the end.
dunno where to go or walk walk.
ended up on mi and mei lan went to tm.
she wanted to buy something n since we gt nth to do.
so it is still a better choice then going hme.
hahas.the renovated popular so COOL and BIG AND BLACK !
then saw a pressent that is so suitable fer edm0nd hahas.seriously it is damn cute =)

tommorrow gg out fer math olympaid
then KBOX hahas =))))
yayayayayayayayayya !
lol that is all i tink my msn siao lia0.
sign out first buai buai.
picture:b4 my sis cut her hair. lol my mum says she look lke a ming xing hahahs=X
edited by my phone :)


PHYSICS is driving me NUTSxx

i should nt be blogging right now or even switching on my computer.
woos.slap mi fer slacking hahahs.
physics sums really stupid man.so DIFFICULT.nvm maybe i am dumb tts y ^^

lol have been slacking since friday.
thought it was end of examinations bt it is not =(
nvm.tommorrow shall be the day that end all sorrows .
=) and people tml must go out hor.x)must RnR LOL>.<
and kbox i nt sure if math olympaid CLASHED with it ! NONOONO
saturday was cam-WHORING with my sis -.-
lol then she went to CUT her long and thick thick hair yest and her FRINGE hahas =)
it was CUTE.
bt she said she look DUMBER LOL.
and i yest found out she was ALREADY taller den mi. how sad.hahas
at night went wif vien and laris and sissy to metta fer religion thingy fer vesak.
lol saw a guy STARING at vien =) of course she is so CHIO Can hahahas.
bt it was irritating kept staring at vien lol bt nvm he cannot JIO untill vien de =Xhahas
okkies about it gotta get on with my LIGHT topic -_-
hate it. whoos.
okk bye bye post a pic of arjoe b4 i go =)
they are great hahahs.
and i love the show
Zettai Kareshi ^^ thx kor hahahs lol.
tt is all
end my post here BIES :)))

credits of picture to dreamgal fr0m crunchyroll =)


TADA! new skin.and i lurve it =*

after MUCH hesitation.
i finally chose this BLOG skin.and i am SATISFIED hahas.
today i feel s0 relaxED.
lke how do u say.~ thr0w everything away hahas sounds wr0ng =X

bt firstly gotta thank
sumone fer c0aching my chem.
went wif ml xq ed jq and wk yest.
lol even if i dun make it, at least i tried =D

c0me home.
ate my SUSHI ^^
then 0n com t0 watch shows =D
v.k and absolute bf

and i am super dumb i accidentally DELETED my pRIMARY school darLINKS
s0rry CASS **apologiess!!if gt time link them back soon ='(
i realise my blog gets shorter each time.
is it i haves SIMPLY nth to write OR my life so SO boring hahas?


DESPERATE for a new skin XD

MY blog has been NEGLECTED by mi.
s0rry hahas.
0k.PROMISED my blog that i am going to get a NEW skin.
bt n0 time and haven found a skin i am crazy over yet.

hmm.dun ask bout EXAMINATIONS.
this words are absolutely DISGUSTING.
urgh nvm,i dun wish to elaborate.
fail means fail.
bt i am n0t even DEPRESSED.
maybe cause i am already useD to it ler.

watchED vk,raw ep5 today.although i dun understand a single word.bt it sounds nice =D
urgh wished it c0uld be EXTENDED.
at least 1hr~ 30mins so damn SHORT.

was BLOG hoPPING hahas.and felt the urge to blog lol.
i am gonna catch up wif my TAIWAN dramas hahahs.
and go out PLAY.
g0 SHOPPING with vien and rosy fer loads of new stuff.=DDD
meeting cher fer the CHEM~ pls dun fail that SUB MAN
tts all i tink :D


HAppy fLunking MY examS XD

hais hais hais.
2day only the start of 2 papers and i am already FAILING>
i misintepreted the qns fer eng c0mpo.
i nvr finish the ss ans fer the usefulness.
my hand alm0st broke.
my INK finish lia0.
die lia0 lARR damn F. de
suan stupid ma. bo bian.
okies nvm.
i owe MUMMY A HUGE cake.
it is her BDAE TOm00rrow! =)
changin of blogskin will b after my exams
so i am refraining frm on9in and BLOGGING D:

boo hoo.
watching v.kep4 later =))