
Part of Me

 I got a shock when i came back to blog. At first its because i have to get use to this brand new platform that seems strange and unfamiliar and afterwards i got a shock cause blogger is finally updating itself. :)
i like the new blogger its whitish and the fonts are pretty. very classic.

Okay so i made a to do list for the following months till July.
Gosh the things i have to complete and to study to learn is unbelievable.
Sometimes i wonder if im too greedy or im just challenging myself further.
its hard to draw the line. i feel both.

and after the trouble of applying for uni, the bigger trouble came after the acceptance.
u have to look at the checklist in the freshman guide.
my dear, its confusing -not really- but its like a checklist to complete before u enlist for a camp.

SATURDAY is a hurdle i have to pass to check if im competent for the following months so hope i survive saturday(: its would be hellish crazy for those who know my schedule.

First, lets get over Friday before we move on to saturday.
finally, i learnt room assisting :> thank everyone who took the effort to teach the slow me and gather my confidence as well as the treats and laughter (: i'm lucky. and thats y its worth it :D cause im happy !

self note : improve on mood ! and be more understanding and optimistic :D

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