

hellos :D
life have been fulfilling these days :D
had a good laughter during the 4a dinner session.
i really love hanging out with them. it was so heartwarming.
Didnt wanna go back so early :(
but didnt talk enough to wifeys and closer friends ;(

Love my job :D
well stand for long hours but the elderly are really cute :)
it dawn upon me that growing old is fearful and lonely and pain :/
dont want it to happen but somethings cant be stop !

haha moving on going to JC open hse today.
Should go to the nyp instead since it has the courses that im interested in but ...
K feel kind of lazy now. need to rush rush cause im meeting fel at 11.
O my 15 min to bathe O_o More than enough!
lol JC chalet next week ;>
still waiting my pri sch one to come :D

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