
Songs of a Humpback Whale

Goodness its like a month to A levels.
How can i not freak out right when my subjects are neither here nor there.
well, my teacher posted me with this question today
haha i was freaking out inside but didnt wanna let her see so tried to brush it off.
:( But there is just so much i can do in a day.
so not readyy!

Its okay i will get there somehow :D
eh, Anyway i realise there aint any motivational songs these days
there are tons of love songs but none that are encouraging and haha applicable to handling problems in life. lol if u guys see any please let me know k
Cause such song lyrics always have a great impact on me be it chi/eng
haha :D

eeks dont know what to do now.
How i wish my hair can just dry in a min so i dont have to contemplate if i should sleep/slack or Study -.-

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