
I want it Bad

o no i have to wake up at 7.30am tomorrow or else 2 of them will turn up at my gates tomorrow to call me up ! ;)
yup starting to study hardcore tomorrow !
please, make it work.
and i think it will work :D
wu chang - i just have to remember that phrase since ming yun zhang wo zai zi ji de shou zhong right? yeah i believe i will succeed if i try hard enough :D
at least whenever i'm tired i have them there right.
i doubt i will be tired easily
my energy bars are always around ^^
all i need is a hug or my ipod :D

anyway, my ah gong is back home already
he is one of the toughest man i have ever seen :D
he is like reaching his eighties already and yeah despite going through an operation
he looks fine really though hurting inside.
But i really really think he is so cute & glad that my cousins love him as much too :D
so heartwarming to see so. i guess he brought us closer too :D

o yeah next week IM SO GOING TO SWIM the 60 length
need to tan and stress relieve. not bad right :D

face growing fatter each day HMPhH!
im supposed to be stressed and slimming down
but its otherwise oh my mama.
i dont understand why?!?!?!?

k i need a goodnight sleep now !

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