

^ my tic took this with her IPHONE :D
pretttty rightt ;}
damn proud hehe.

oh my goodness
the craving for a saturday night movie is damn bad!!!!
But what can i do when all the showtimes in the east are have been conquered by others who are much faster than me ;(
i thought i could spend papa's day with da super cute kung fu-ee panda :/
k i shall request for pepper lunch for dinner :D hahahhah

i wanna learn how to tie dutch (?) braid !!!!
keep failing cause i don't have eyes on my back D:
why cant i have fingers like my sis ?!

o yah i cant wait for chalet on monday :D
i hope it will turn out like the previous years
just that this time its less playing more mugging-not but singing/jamming ^^

And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged

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