

GOT MY LIFESAVER's cert today :D
not some big thing but
mannequins are really hard to pump
but they are real fun to toy with :)
glad my lovely cousins passed it too :D

i left one day to study for bio test :/
three days for miracle to happen so that we can clinch a gold for syf
5 days for chem test to occur
this week sucks
i foresee cries, ;laughter, pissed faces, stress and anxiety.
but im soooo tired ;(

weell at least the presence of WGM cheers me a lil
maybe more than a lil
its fun to watch them hahha
esp when theirs look real perfect and hilarious
where in reality its not always this case
still staying illusion does make me happier :D haahhaha

and pls let CNBLUE COME
so jx can go with me !!!!!!

starting over . Tony parson :)

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