
Big bang

random and yes ugly unglam image of me but who cares ;>
well, i never get tired of korean songs uh.
watched kbs and sbs gayo daejun of course i will not be missing out mbc too :D
haha its new year's eve going over to my cousin's house and they havent even called :(
well, :D spending my countdown with them is def the best needless to say :)

went to see the docs today.
got plenty of medicine from him
and antibiotics apparently suck the most like eww much
i had to gulp down like 10 sweets to cure that weird taste
and thats making me diabetic.

hehe i was watching and spamming big bang vids as usual
their variety show is uber cute and its really rare to watch yg artist go on variety shows these days uh.

i guess my infatuation for them wouldnt end so shortly here.
i can see a long way maybe 5 years or 10?
i dont know when it will end but definitely dont want it to end.
a vip once forever and until whenever :)
crazy me. but i know vips will understand. im so into them already
jiyong's talents. tabi's eyes. yongbae's sleek movements. baby's forever gag and cuteness. daesunggie smile and heavenly voice :)
i love them :)


oh yeah

Hey yo
went shopping today ;)
AHYO i spent money and bought stuff again today.
Im so lethargic now so i cant think of anything to post about
guitar is stressing me, hw too, grades, math test, financial issues, countdown to 2011, clss bbq, r/s OMO.
im such a sad teenager haha
but there are certain things that could have been done better from above.
OKAY shall start studying tmr :)
damn hard freaking hard.
o ya self note : sectionals on 3rd
bbq on 2nd :D math test 5th
4/5/6/7 GOT GUITAR OGl
i really wanna cry :(

well, watch sbs gayo daejun next is kbs den mbc.
i feel so guilty
better bury my head in books

hais these few days
im really cranky i feel as if all the kindness/ good side has been used up
and im turning iinto an ultra meanie OMO

so its so upsetting hais.
teenage woes uh.
like S-T-R-E-S-S only. :'(



my sister's not here. there's only 8 of us.

This i must admit is a good tool in confiding not entirely but partially.
had dinner with amy and yx today at ikea. awesome one :)
bringing a neighbour who is equivalent to my little brother to my sec sch tmr !
since he is aspiring to enter the sch i have once been to which filled me with more than enough pleasant memories which sent me more than enough wives that i couldn't live without (:
they are like my pillars keeping me from falling.
well, instead of complaining how guilty i felt how i could have done better
i shall stay by u give u the strength that u have given me for the past 4 years
and i make sure u will emerge stronger than ever.
it was a regret i wasnt there. im disappointed and furious at myself for that.
but i'll be there and we will all be too.
from now to forever and whenever
i promise for myself.



i cant stand it but i have to rant here.
i miss it i cant believe i did.
i love the duo they mean like WOW to me, shall describe it in new future when i find the appropriate words to do so.
i cant believe i missed their premiere.
i remember loading it on macky but it refused too.
i waited furiously i didnt know they would take it down
ok im upset super duper mega ultra upset
browsing through the photos that were colour splashed all over allkpop website
made it even more regretful.
i may sound crazy to some.but they are irresistible to me.
i may be slightly more bias towards the duo cause my favorites are the both
but that don't reduce my love for the other trio
cause i simple adore big bang as a whole.
i cant wait for their comeback as a whole
it will be daebak !

i missed it 2 years ago in korea while skiing
i missed it 2 months ago during kpop night concert
i missed it a few hours to catch their debut
i missed many big show concerts and yg family concert.
This time im not allowing myself to miss any of their comeback anymore.
bigbang hwaiting!

anyways i cant wait for MARY to come out ^^ im missing JGS alreadyy omo ~


G dragon

hello ^^
TADA its big bang seung ri's baby's birthday yesterday! its belated but still wish oppa stay healthy and continue to be a strong baby. :D he is the best maknae in the world.his gentle voice melts my heart everytime he sings. his arrogance is loved by me. he gets hotter each day. hope baby seung ri gets more love this year! :D awesome hottie stay together with bigbang forever :D!

i was tired of stalking on facebook so came here to work my fingers !
Finally, i realise that the presence of my sister is awfully significant.
Because her absence enhanced the abnormal silence around me and i feel like a loner everywhere i went :(
so i pray she better FLY home soon. and soon is arriving in 3-4 days time :)

Germ's bbq and sort of birthday party was successful ! AWESOME time meeting up with cousins after watching an awesome fairytale RAPUNZALE (forgotten the spelling suddenly :/)with dear yun xing.

Went out with fel yesterday and we got addicted to the fishie game in the arcade. its the ultimate game for stress relieving ! cheap and hot alternative :D

Today, went shopping with mum :) poor her got to fork out her hard earn money to fulfill my materialistic desires. WHY ARE THEY ENDLESS :( ! bought like 3 tops ^^ A pair of shoes and something purple and nice :D

things breaks all the time. Voice breaks, Waves breaks, Promises breaks, Heart Breaks. - jodi picoult handle with care.
Though this may not be the actual phrasing but i cant stop loving how she writes. She potray every character so well and i'm successfully drawn to the dunno-how many- book of hers that i have read ! i hope she release her next work soon cause her teaser for the next book just get even better !

Nights :D! i love holidays. carefree & relaxing


I dont understand

they stole my heart today !
for the WHOLE day. :)

cousins are back! :D

mass dance kept me fit and healthy! :D

study sessions with fel made me feel that life is much more meaningful. haha

mary keeps me merry all day

heading on to gumiho finale~

Guitar sectionals is a phail today :(

but big bang keeps me alive.
I have to wait so long for their comeback :(
how can VIPS stand it. But i will wait patiently :)
There is WGM today :D KWONGAIN ftwwww

How dare you -sistar
Hot times - sm the ballad