
DESPERATE for a new skin XD

MY blog has been NEGLECTED by mi.
s0rry hahas.
0k.PROMISED my blog that i am going to get a NEW skin.
bt n0 time and haven found a skin i am crazy over yet.

hmm.dun ask bout EXAMINATIONS.
this words are absolutely DISGUSTING.
urgh nvm,i dun wish to elaborate.
fail means fail.
bt i am n0t even DEPRESSED.
maybe cause i am already useD to it ler.

watchED vk,raw ep5 today.although i dun understand a single word.bt it sounds nice =D
urgh wished it c0uld be EXTENDED.
at least 1hr~ 30mins so damn SHORT.

was BLOG hoPPING hahas.and felt the urge to blog lol.
i am gonna catch up wif my TAIWAN dramas hahahs.
and go out PLAY.
g0 SHOPPING with vien and rosy fer loads of new stuff.=DDD
meeting cher fer the CHEM~ pls dun fail that SUB MAN
tts all i tink :D

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