
Chinese project movie >.<

tommorr0w last day of school =)
yayaya.because school is really boring these days.
some chers started teaching. others let us laze around.
sadly i got NOTHING to do. xq and mi sian sian sian.

so bad ah tan never come and take class photo with us today hahas
the phototaking is rather kns.
bt nvm we left a place for him ^^

after school was a science competition.
hmm the qns are inhuman to me.
they are not english.bt i dun care.
throwing my $ away .

wa chinese project is stressful.many things to take care of. bt we can de !
english als0 got a lot of HW. hahas nt alot bt tedious work ^^
1st wk of june is sick.-so many days to go back for REMEDIALS =(

in love with avrils songs ^^(she sings so well )
well,tommorrow gg to eat lunch wif couxiess at TM.
meeting with vien tml =)
tt all bye.
msning and bloging at the same time is DIFFICULT. hahas

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