
SETTELED we are gg bowliing

ok on 14th dec we are gg b0wling. settled/
haiss stupid lor.
jq nt going haisss.
today went on9 super long..
bt then haha later gg out again..
hmm lets see just now wanted to study bt boo ..
nvr leh damn it.
i played my sis GU ZHENG hahas. used to be a gu zheng player bt then
now so long nvr touch that instuement i am
so dumb at it.
hahs.i play reall horribly hahas toobad/..
hmm. ya.
gtg to thanks kor send mi.s0ng.hahas.bt only 1 boo
better then nothing =))
ok thats all.
yest was really kpo
watching yu le now bb =)
eating my curyy s00n yayas.

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