
BowLIng wif 2a

went bowling wif 2a t0day it was sucessful =).
more then 20 turned up=)
there were money pr0bs lor.
bt then all settle ler.
my marks were pathetic lor.
lke SHIT.
wth 56 and 59 =(((
unlke my lane de ppl(wk bk cs ed and ml)
all pr0 lke .. waa
2a people play real well.
raymond and jerry they all so pr0.over 100 =)
so i went b0wling to thr0w my 7.60 away
=((( waa.
nvm FUN is more important then results hahas.
and i must thank....
hahas ml kept my ezlink fer mi =)
yq help mi take my card from the c0unter =P
joanne help mi run and pass it to ml =D.
so thanks =)) loads.
watching ISWAK2 ep 3 later =)))
lurve it most lor =PP

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