
the n.071 p0st=)

haha actually i was hoping to blog something interesting about yesterday night.
bt then after many thoughts i feel thati should not blog it
bt still haha yest night was fun =)

ok today is sure b0ring bt thingking of tml i really
really excited ..hahas
i am gg K finally aft months and months of WAIts.
i finally can g0 hehes.
s0 later i am going to K s0ngs must
practice ma..ml and xq pr0 der l0rs hahas.
ok then erm ya
i gt NEw MOOn yays.
rachel lend it to mi<333
thanks a lot and happibdae to her =)lateone i tinks
i l0st count of dates since holis started
haix cant on9 too long mummy sc0ld lke shit
nt in a very good mood lar.
so decided to go o2jamming later train!
erm then ya..mb gg malaysia nxt fri visit relatives la
mayskipp guitar mb only =0
ya and s0 s0rryxq =)
buying bks at night =)
bt then others buying in sch00l=)
bc0xx too heavy cannot carry hme myself=))
recently see many nice nice bl0gskins bt then bu se de change ...
ya and i ending s00n =))
h0pe have 100 posts at end of holis hahas.
thats all .
finish chi0nging my korean sh0w n0w is magicians love =))
jy =)

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