
my new SKIN.

shoes fact0ry.
not that fantastic cute though...
okay i gt a serious pr0blem damn my f0ne.
it is not functioning pr0perly.
oh my shit..
afraid it would SPOIL
okay my fone hang.
how i need to send sumthing ...hmm..think hard...
no s0lution ps to that pers0n. hais.
nvm..0n sat when out with
mei lan and xue qi.. yaya.
shop f0r dumb valentine thingy.
bought sumthin nice and cheap.
hahas ...
bought a black bangle cheap and nice =P
f0r cny lar. hahas then ....hmmm nthing much to talk bout
only..sch00l reopening tml argh.
gg xq hse to do dumb oral.
ya pls i dun wan to go swim swim. leh.
i need to STUDY.
regardless fail or not.
oh ya. u can call mi dumb or idiot,
i bought ISWAK 2 ost. hahas i am MAD.
nvm tt all. bb gt to save my f0ne.
it is dying s00n.

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