
I am tired of my skin

i am tired of my new skin hahas..
that is so fast.
i got to start hunting for new skin again ler
i thought of 0ne that might be nice bt it looks em0
nvm consider first.
today went guitar.
details at mei lan blog hahas.
as she had said we change arrangement
so me and xq in first guitar went to sit in the middle. bt heng it was the 2nd r0w.
s0 being s0 short
i am practically unseenable c0vered by the tall juniors. hahas
anyway..haha ya i dunno wad to blog..
later going ep buy things. dinner =)
chi0nging a maths at night.
left my ...
dumb Eng report
and A mathes
tell l0ads of things to xq ml dun DIVULGE okies thnx..
i wanna say sumthing..
u are not ugly =) hahahs

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